In addition to the Website for DrupalGov Con 2015, print, social media, and promotional design work was a vital component of the attendee and sponsor experience. In taking the approved idenity designed by Jon Raedeke, I was tasked with extending the brand through the elements attendees would see and interact with before and during the event.
Through close coordination with organizers and production partners, work was coordinated to deliver on time and be relevant to users. This included prototypes for manufactured items, as well as user-friendly templates for e-mail and social media elements that required minimal technical input from conference organizers, allowing them to focus on the event and not on code.

Handout given to all conference attendees. To economize on printing, what previously was a booklet was condensed into a single-page flyer with a condensed schedule and general information. To boost sponsor involvement, a scavenger hunt was introduced at GovCon.

Custom produced badges, laminted for durability. Since scheduling can change quickly, this information was replaced by a venue layout and QR directing users to the online program on the conference Website.

Vector iconography system to brand session tracks, designed to work well at all sizes from handheld to posters.

Custom e-mail templates for use in Mailchimp. These were designed to work across major e-mail clients, as well as being user-friendly so that organizers would need to do no coding to create effective HTML e-mail.

Branded and customized badges for use in Twitter campaigns.

Base conference presentation deck. Created in PowerPoint using system fonts, so that any team member would be able to make changes, in addtion to add or remove content, depending upon need.

Print poster for conference promotion in public areas.

Another challenge faced was that there were no high-resolution layouts of the venue itself, which required close coordination with NIH staff to ensure accuracy. Since this artwork was vector-based, it was adaptable for online, as well as print media.