Branding & Style Guide

1.8 base.text Base Text

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Default styles for use on site. The treatments shown here normally differ per region, and are styled appropriately.
Special Note: Since the link styling affects interface elements, as well, it's best to make modifications to specific area styling rather than the base text.


Liquorice fruitcake lollipop. Sesame snaps muffin gummies cake. Apple pie dessert sugar plum toffee marzipan bonbon sesame snaps halvah. Macaroon croissant sweet cheesecake. Croissant icing muffin. Gingerbread pudding halvah bonbon chupa chups bonbon sugar plum fruitcake ice cream. Bear claw tootsie roll jujubes.

Jelly donut dragée sweet roll sesame snaps tootsie roll. Halvah powder chocolate cake pudding. Cotton candy fruitcake jelly beans cake. Marshmallow jelly apple pie cookie. Wafer chupa chups powder wafer. Danish cake candy

Markup: base/text.twig
<p>Liquorice fruitcake lollipop. Sesame snaps muffin gummies cake. Apple pie
  dessert sugar plum toffee <a href="#">marzipan bonbon sesame</a> snaps halvah.
  Macaroon croissant sweet cheesecake. <i>Croissant icing</i> muffin. Gingerbread
  halvah bonbon chupa chups bonbon sugar plum fruitcake ice cream. Bear claw
  tootsie roll jujubes.</p>
<p>Jelly donut dragée sweet <a href="#">roll</a> sesame snaps
  <strong>tootsie roll</strong>. Halvah powder chocolate cake pudding.
  Cotton candy fruitcake jelly beans cake. Marshmallow
  jelly apple pie cookie. Wafer chupa chups powder wafer. Danish cake candy </p>
Source: sass/base/_base.scss, line 210