Branding & Style Guide

6 layout Layout

Layout rules for the main content area, demonstrating CSS Grid layout elements. Columns are fluid in all breakpoints, to a maximum width of 80 ems in order to preserve readability.
Special Note: At this time, some versions of Safari don't support all CSS Grid elements, so particular features such as column grid demos may not be visible there.

For demos pertaining to content areas, image/figure placeholders are included to show how those elements are displayed, at all responsive breakpoints.

Please note the bottom margins/padding may appear to be minimal—due to default setttings. This is often changed for particular content types.

Source: sass/styles.scss, line 36

6.1 layout.sidebars-both Sidebars Both

Toggle full screen Open in new window Toggle example guides Toggle HTML markup

Sidebars Both region styling, demonstrating ordering and stacking at narrower breakpoints. This shows default spacing.



Wafer biscuit chupa chups donut. Cheesecake dragée macaroon. Bear claw candy canes jelly cake tootsie roll chocolate caramels candy. Chocolate bar toffee candy canes caramels cookie soufflé. Danish powder pie bonbon pastry carrot cake candy. Candy fruitcake jelly-o sweet roll gingerbread toffee chupa chups.

Liquorice fruitcake lollipop. Sesame snaps muffin gummies cake. Apple pie dessert sugar plum toffee marzipan bonbon sesame snaps halvah. Macaroon croissant sweet cheesecake. Croissant icing muffin. Gingerbread pudding halvah bonbon chupa chups bonbon sugar plum fruitcake ice cream. Bear claw tootsie roll jujubes.

Jelly donut dragée sweet roll sesame snaps tootsie roll. Halvah powder chocolate cake pudding. Cotton candy fruitcake jelly beans cake. Marshmallow jelly apple pie cookie. Wafer chupa chups powder wafer. Danish cake candy ice cream cake gummi bears lollipop powder brownie. Jelly gingerbread danish tiramisu carrot cake sweet danish caramels cookie. Sesame snaps cake pudding sugar plum tootsie roll pie liquorice. Gummies powder lemon drops candy canes brownie powder oat cake. Chocolate cake bonbon cookie cotton candy fruitcake.

Cookie chocolate croissant cake bear claw chocolate bar gingerbread marshmallow apple pie. Muffin candy sweet dessert cotton candy pudding jelly.

Markup: layout/sidebars-both.twig
<div class="body-sidebars-both grid-container">

  <aside class="sidebar-first" style="background: rgba(255,228,196,0.5);">    
    <h3>Sidebar First</h3>
    <p>Sesame snaps muffin gummies cake. Apple pie dessert sugar plum toffee marzipan bonbon sesame snaps halvah. Macaroon
    croissant sweet cheesecake. Croissant icing muffin. Gingerbread pudding halvah bonbon chupa chups bonbon sugar.</p>

  <section id="content" style="background: rgba(222, 184, 135, 0.5);">
    <p>Wafer biscuit chupa chups donut. Cheesecake dragée macaroon. Bear claw candy
    canes jelly cake tootsie roll chocolate caramels candy. Chocolate bar toffee
    candy canes caramels cookie soufflé. Danish powder pie bonbon pastry carrot
    cake candy. Candy fruitcake jelly-o sweet roll gingerbread toffee chupa
    <p>Liquorice fruitcake lollipop. Sesame snaps muffin gummies cake. Apple pie
    dessert sugar plum toffee marzipan bonbon sesame snaps halvah. Macaroon
    croissant sweet cheesecake. Croissant icing muffin. Gingerbread pudding
    halvah bonbon chupa chups bonbon sugar plum fruitcake ice cream. Bear claw tootsie
    roll jujubes.</p>
    <p>Jelly donut dragée sweet roll sesame snaps tootsie roll. Halvah powder
    chocolate cake pudding. Cotton candy fruitcake jelly beans cake. Marshmallow
    jelly apple pie cookie. Wafer chupa chups powder wafer. Danish cake candy
    ice cream cake gummi bears lollipop powder brownie. Jelly gingerbread danish
    tiramisu carrot cake sweet danish caramels cookie. Sesame snaps cake pudding
    sugar plum tootsie roll pie liquorice. Gummies powder lemon drops candy
    canes brownie powder oat cake. Chocolate cake bonbon cookie cotton candy
    <p>Cookie chocolate croissant cake bear claw chocolate bar gingerbread
    marshmallow apple pie. Muffin candy sweet dessert cotton candy pudding

  <aside class="sidebar-second" style="background: rgba(250, 235 ,215, 0.5);">
    <h3>Sidebar Second</h3>
    <p>Sesame snaps muffin gummies cake. Apple pie dessert sugar plum toffee marzipan bonbon sesame snaps halvah. Macaroon
    croissant sweet cheesecake. Croissant icing muffin. Gingerbread pudding halvah bonbon chupa chups bonbon sugar.</p>


<!-- CSS Grid Column Demos -->
<div class="body-sidebars-both grid-container columndemocontainer">
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd01"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd02"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd03"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd04"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd05"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd06"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd07"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd08"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd09"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd10"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd11"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd12"></div>
<!-- End CSS Grid Column Demos -->
Source: sass/layout/_sidebars.scss, line 1

6.2 layout.sidebars-first Sidebar First

Toggle full screen Open in new window Toggle example guides Toggle HTML markup

Sidebar First region styling, demonstrating ordering and stacking at narrower breakpoints. This shows default spacing.



Wafer biscuit chupa chups donut. Cheesecake dragée macaroon. Bear claw candy canes jelly cake tootsie roll chocolate caramels candy. Chocolate bar toffee candy canes caramels cookie soufflé. Danish powder pie bonbon pastry carrot cake candy. Candy fruitcake jelly-o sweet roll gingerbread toffee chupa chups.

Liquorice fruitcake lollipop. Sesame snaps muffin gummies cake. Apple pie dessert sugar plum toffee marzipan bonbon sesame snaps halvah. Macaroon croissant sweet cheesecake. Croissant icing muffin. Gingerbread pudding halvah bonbon chupa chups bonbon sugar plum fruitcake ice cream. Bear claw tootsie roll jujubes.

Jelly donut dragée sweet roll sesame snaps tootsie roll. Halvah powder chocolate cake pudding. Cotton candy fruitcake jelly beans cake. Marshmallow jelly apple pie cookie. Wafer chupa chups powder wafer. Danish cake candy ice cream cake gummi bears lollipop powder brownie. Jelly gingerbread danish tiramisu carrot cake sweet danish caramels cookie. Sesame snaps cake pudding sugar plum tootsie roll pie liquorice. Gummies powder lemon drops candy canes brownie powder oat cake. Chocolate cake bonbon cookie cotton candy fruitcake.

Cookie chocolate croissant cake bear claw chocolate bar gingerbread marshmallow apple pie. Muffin candy sweet dessert cotton candy pudding jelly.

Markup: layout/sidebars-first.twig
<div class="body-sidebars-first grid-container">

  <aside class="sidebar-first" style="background: rgba(255,228,196,0.5);">    
    <h3>Sidebar First</h3>
    <p>Sesame snaps muffin gummies cake. Apple pie dessert sugar plum toffee marzipan bonbon sesame snaps halvah. Macaroon croissant sweet cheesecake. Croissant icing muffin. Gingerbread pudding halvah bonbon chupa chups bonbon sugar.</p>

  <section id="content" style="background: rgba(222, 184, 135, 0.5);">
    <p>Wafer biscuit chupa chups donut. Cheesecake dragée macaroon. Bear claw candy
    canes jelly cake tootsie roll chocolate caramels candy. Chocolate bar toffee
    candy canes caramels cookie soufflé. Danish powder pie bonbon pastry carrot
    cake candy. Candy fruitcake jelly-o sweet roll gingerbread toffee chupa
    <p>Liquorice fruitcake lollipop. Sesame snaps muffin gummies cake. Apple pie
    dessert sugar plum toffee marzipan bonbon sesame snaps halvah. Macaroon
    croissant sweet cheesecake. Croissant icing muffin. Gingerbread pudding
    halvah bonbon chupa chups bonbon sugar plum fruitcake ice cream. Bear claw tootsie
    roll jujubes.</p>
    <p>Jelly donut dragée sweet roll sesame snaps tootsie roll. Halvah powder
    chocolate cake pudding. Cotton candy fruitcake jelly beans cake. Marshmallow
    jelly apple pie cookie. Wafer chupa chups powder wafer. Danish cake candy
    ice cream cake gummi bears lollipop powder brownie. Jelly gingerbread danish
    tiramisu carrot cake sweet danish caramels cookie. Sesame snaps cake pudding
    sugar plum tootsie roll pie liquorice. Gummies powder lemon drops candy
    canes brownie powder oat cake. Chocolate cake bonbon cookie cotton candy
    <p>Cookie chocolate croissant cake bear claw chocolate bar gingerbread
    marshmallow apple pie. Muffin candy sweet dessert cotton candy pudding


<!-- CSS Grid Column Demos -->
<div class="body-sidebars-first grid-container columndemocontainer">
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd01"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd02"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd03"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd04"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd05"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd06"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd07"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd08"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd09"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd10"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd11"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd12"></div>
<!-- End CSS Grid Column Demos -->
Source: sass/layout/_sidebars.scss, line 12

6.3 layout.sidebars-second Sidebar Second

Toggle full screen Open in new window Toggle example guides Toggle HTML markup

Sidebar Second region styling, demonstrating ordering and stacking at narrower breakpoints. This shows default spacing.



Wafer biscuit chupa chups donut. Cheesecake dragée macaroon. Bear claw candy canes jelly cake tootsie roll chocolate caramels candy. Chocolate bar toffee candy canes caramels cookie soufflé. Danish powder pie bonbon pastry carrot cake candy. Candy fruitcake jelly-o sweet roll gingerbread toffee chupa chups.

Liquorice fruitcake lollipop. Sesame snaps muffin gummies cake. Apple pie dessert sugar plum toffee marzipan bonbon sesame snaps halvah. Macaroon croissant sweet cheesecake. Croissant icing muffin. Gingerbread pudding halvah bonbon chupa chups bonbon sugar plum fruitcake ice cream. Bear claw tootsie roll jujubes.

Jelly donut dragée sweet roll sesame snaps tootsie roll. Halvah powder chocolate cake pudding. Cotton candy fruitcake jelly beans cake. Marshmallow jelly apple pie cookie. Wafer chupa chups powder wafer. Danish cake candy ice cream cake gummi bears lollipop powder brownie. Jelly gingerbread danish tiramisu carrot cake sweet danish caramels cookie. Sesame snaps cake pudding sugar plum tootsie roll pie liquorice. Gummies powder lemon drops candy canes brownie powder oat cake. Chocolate cake bonbon cookie cotton candy fruitcake.

Cookie chocolate croissant cake bear claw chocolate bar gingerbread marshmallow apple pie. Muffin candy sweet dessert cotton candy pudding jelly.

Markup: layout/sidebars-second.twig
<div class="body-sidebars-second grid-container">

  <section id="content" style="background: rgba(222, 184, 135, 0.5);">
    <p>Wafer biscuit chupa chups donut. Cheesecake dragée macaroon. Bear claw candy
    canes jelly cake tootsie roll chocolate caramels candy. Chocolate bar toffee
    candy canes caramels cookie soufflé. Danish powder pie bonbon pastry carrot
    cake candy. Candy fruitcake jelly-o sweet roll gingerbread toffee chupa
    <p>Liquorice fruitcake lollipop. Sesame snaps muffin gummies cake. Apple pie
    dessert sugar plum toffee marzipan bonbon sesame snaps halvah. Macaroon
    croissant sweet cheesecake. Croissant icing muffin. Gingerbread pudding
    halvah bonbon chupa chups bonbon sugar plum fruitcake ice cream. Bear claw tootsie
    roll jujubes.</p>
    <p>Jelly donut dragée sweet roll sesame snaps tootsie roll. Halvah powder
    chocolate cake pudding. Cotton candy fruitcake jelly beans cake. Marshmallow
    jelly apple pie cookie. Wafer chupa chups powder wafer. Danish cake candy
    ice cream cake gummi bears lollipop powder brownie. Jelly gingerbread danish
    tiramisu carrot cake sweet danish caramels cookie. Sesame snaps cake pudding
    sugar plum tootsie roll pie liquorice. Gummies powder lemon drops candy
    canes brownie powder oat cake. Chocolate cake bonbon cookie cotton candy
    <p>Cookie chocolate croissant cake bear claw chocolate bar gingerbread
    marshmallow apple pie. Muffin candy sweet dessert cotton candy pudding

  <aside class="sidebar-second" style="background: rgba(250, 235 ,215, 0.5);">
    <h3>Sidebar Second</h3>
    <p>Sesame snaps muffin gummies cake. Apple pie dessert sugar plum toffee marzipan bonbon sesame snaps halvah. Macaroon
    croissant sweet cheesecake. Croissant icing muffin. Gingerbread pudding halvah bonbon chupa chups bonbon sugar></p>


<!-- CSS Grid Column Demos -->
<div class="body-sidebars-second grid-container columndemocontainer">
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd01"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd02"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd03"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd04"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd05"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd06"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd07"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd08"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd09"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd10"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd11"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd12"></div>
<!-- End CSS Grid Column Demos -->
Source: sass/layout/_sidebars.scss, line 22


Wafer biscuit chupa chups donut. Cheesecake dragée macaroon. Bear claw candy canes jelly cake tootsie roll chocolate caramels candy. Chocolate bar toffee candy canes caramels cookie soufflé. Danish powder pie bonbon pastry carrot cake candy. Candy fruitcake jelly-o sweet roll gingerbread toffee chupa chups.

Liquorice fruitcake lollipop. Sesame snaps muffin gummies cake. Apple pie dessert sugar plum toffee marzipan bonbon sesame snaps halvah. Macaroon croissant sweet cheesecake. Croissant icing muffin. Gingerbread pudding halvah bonbon chupa chups bonbon sugar plum fruitcake ice cream. Bear claw tootsie roll jujubes.

Jelly donut dragée sweet roll sesame snaps tootsie roll. Halvah powder chocolate cake pudding. Cotton candy fruitcake jelly beans cake. Marshmallow jelly apple pie cookie. Wafer chupa chups powder wafer. Danish cake candy ice cream cake gummi bears lollipop powder brownie. Jelly gingerbread danish tiramisu carrot cake sweet danish caramels cookie. Sesame snaps cake pudding sugar plum tootsie roll pie liquorice. Gummies powder lemon drops candy canes brownie powder oat cake. Chocolate cake bonbon cookie cotton candy fruitcake.

Cookie chocolate croissant cake bear claw chocolate bar gingerbread marshmallow apple pie. Muffin candy sweet dessert cotton candy pudding jelly.

Markup: layout/sidebars-none.twig
<div class="body-sidebars-none grid-container">

  <section id="content" style="background: rgba(222, 184, 135, 0.5);">
    <p>Wafer biscuit chupa chups donut. Cheesecake dragée macaroon. Bear claw candy
    canes jelly cake tootsie roll chocolate caramels candy. Chocolate bar toffee
    candy canes caramels cookie soufflé. Danish powder pie bonbon pastry carrot
    cake candy. Candy fruitcake jelly-o sweet roll gingerbread toffee chupa
    <p>Liquorice fruitcake lollipop. Sesame snaps muffin gummies cake. Apple pie
    dessert sugar plum toffee marzipan bonbon sesame snaps halvah. Macaroon
    croissant sweet cheesecake. Croissant icing muffin. Gingerbread pudding
    halvah bonbon chupa chups bonbon sugar plum fruitcake ice cream. Bear claw tootsie
    roll jujubes.</p>
    <p>Jelly donut dragée sweet roll sesame snaps tootsie roll. Halvah powder
    chocolate cake pudding. Cotton candy fruitcake jelly beans cake. Marshmallow
    jelly apple pie cookie. Wafer chupa chups powder wafer. Danish cake candy
    ice cream cake gummi bears lollipop powder brownie. Jelly gingerbread danish
    tiramisu carrot cake sweet danish caramels cookie. Sesame snaps cake pudding
    sugar plum tootsie roll pie liquorice. Gummies powder lemon drops candy
    canes brownie powder oat cake. Chocolate cake bonbon cookie cotton candy
    <p>Cookie chocolate croissant cake bear claw chocolate bar gingerbread
    marshmallow apple pie. Muffin candy sweet dessert cotton candy pudding


<!-- CSS Grid Column Demos -->
<div class="body-sidebars-none grid-container columndemocontainer">
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd01"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd02"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd03"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd04"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd05"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd06"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd07"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd08"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd09"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd10"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd11"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd12"></div>
<!-- End CSS Grid Column Demos -->
Source: sass/layout/_sidebars.scss, line 32

6.5 layout.sidebars-first-content Sidebar First Content

Toggle full screen Open in new window Toggle example guides Toggle HTML markup

Sidebars First Content – Used for content types with long-form text elements to improve readability in the main content area by limiting the paragraph width.

Markup: layout/sidebars-first-content.twig
<div class="body-sidebars-first sidebars-first-content-demo grid-container">

  <aside class="sidebar-first" style="background: rgba(255,228,196,0.5);">    
    <h3>Sidebar First</h3>
    <p>Sesame snaps muffin gummies cake. Apple pie dessert sugar plum toffee marzipan bonbon sesame snaps halvah. Macaroon croissant sweet cheesecake. Croissant icing muffin. Gingerbread pudding halvah bonbon chupa chups bonbon sugar.</p>

  <section id="content" style="background: rgba(222, 184, 135, 0.5);">
    <p>Wafer biscuit chupa chups donut. Cheesecake dragée macaroon. Bear claw candy
    canes jelly cake tootsie roll chocolate caramels candy. Chocolate bar toffee
    candy canes caramels cookie soufflé. Danish powder pie bonbon pastry carrot
    cake candy. Candy fruitcake jelly-o sweet roll gingerbread toffee chupa
    <article class="align-right media_image_half_width">
        <div class="imagefiller group">
            <div class="filler-content">
                Image — Half-Width Left Align
    <p>Liquorice fruitcake lollipop. Sesame snaps muffin gummies cake. Apple pie
    dessert sugar plum toffee marzipan bonbon sesame snaps halvah. Macaroon
    croissant sweet cheesecake. Croissant icing muffin. Gingerbread pudding
    halvah bonbon chupa chups bonbon sugar plum fruitcake ice cream. Bear claw tootsie
    roll jujubes.</p>
    <p>Jelly donut dragée sweet roll sesame snaps tootsie roll. Halvah powder
    chocolate cake pudding. Cotton candy fruitcake jelly beans cake. Marshmallow
    jelly apple pie cookie. Wafer chupa chups powder wafer. Danish cake candy
    ice cream cake gummi bears lollipop powder brownie. Jelly gingerbread danish
    tiramisu carrot cake sweet danish caramels cookie. Sesame snaps cake pudding
    sugar plum tootsie roll pie liquorice. Gummies powder lemon drops candy
    canes brownie powder oat cake. Chocolate cake bonbon cookie cotton candy
    <p>Cookie chocolate croissant cake bear claw chocolate bar gingerbread
    marshmallow apple pie. Muffin candy sweet dessert cotton candy pudding


<!-- CSS Grid Column Demos -->
<div class="body-sidebars-first grid-container columndemocontainer">
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd01"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd02"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd03"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd04"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd05"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd06"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd07"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd08"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd09"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd10"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd11"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd12"></div>
<!-- End CSS Grid Column Demos -->
Source: sass/layout/_sidebars.scss, line 42

6.6 layout.sidebars-second-content Sidebar Second Content

Toggle full screen Open in new window Toggle example guides Toggle HTML markup

Sidebars Second Content – Used for content types with long-form text elements to improve readability in the main content area by limiting the paragraph width.

Markup: layout/sidebars-second-content.twig
<div class="body-sidebars-second sidebars-second-content-demo grid-container">

  <section id="content" style="background: rgba(222, 184, 135, 0.5);">
        <p>Wafer biscuit chupa chups donut. Cheesecake dragée macaroon. Bear claw candy
        canes jelly cake tootsie roll chocolate caramels candy. Chocolate bar toffee
        candy canes caramels cookie soufflé. Danish powder pie bonbon pastry carrot
        cake candy. Candy fruitcake jelly-o sweet roll gingerbread toffee chupa
        <article class="align-left media_image_half_width">
            <div class="imagefiller group">
                <div class="filler-content">
                    Image — Half-Width Left Align
        <p>Liquorice fruitcake lollipop. Sesame snaps muffin gummies cake. Apple pie
        dessert sugar plum toffee marzipan bonbon sesame snaps halvah. Macaroon
        croissant sweet cheesecake. Croissant icing muffin. Gingerbread pudding
        halvah bonbon chupa chups bonbon sugar plum fruitcake ice cream. Bear claw tootsie
        roll jujubes.</p>
        <p>Jelly donut dragée sweet roll sesame snaps tootsie roll. Halvah powder
        chocolate cake pudding. Cotton candy fruitcake jelly beans cake. Marshmallow
        jelly apple pie cookie. Wafer chupa chups powder wafer. Danish cake candy
        ice cream cake gummi bears lollipop powder brownie. Jelly gingerbread danish
        tiramisu carrot cake sweet danish caramels cookie. Sesame snaps cake pudding
        sugar plum tootsie roll pie liquorice. Gummies powder lemon drops candy
        canes brownie powder oat cake. Chocolate cake bonbon cookie cotton candy
        <p>Cookie chocolate croissant cake bear claw chocolate bar gingerbread
        marshmallow apple pie. Muffin candy sweet dessert cotton candy pudding

  <aside class="sidebar-second" style="background: rgba(250, 235 ,215, 0.5);">
    <h3>Sidebar Second</h3>
    <p>Sesame snaps muffin gummies cake. Apple pie
    dessert sugar plum toffee marzipan bonbon sesame snaps halvah. Macaroon
    croissant sweet cheesecake. Croissant icing muffin. Gingerbread pudding
    halvah bonbon chupa chups bonbon sugar.</p>


<!-- CSS Grid Column Demos -->
<div class="body-sidebars-second grid-container columndemocontainer">
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd01"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd02"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd03"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd04"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd05"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd06"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd07"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd08"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd09"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd10"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd11"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd12"></div>
<!-- End CSS Grid Column Demos -->
Source: sass/layout/_sidebars.scss, line 53

6.7 layout.sidebars-none-content Sidebars None Content

Toggle full screen Open in new window Toggle example guides Toggle HTML markup

Sidebars None Content – Used for content types with long-form text elements to improve readability in the main content area by limiting the paragraph width.

Markup: layout/sidebars-none-content.twig
<div class="body-sidebars-none sidebars-none-content-demo grid-container">

  <section id="content" style="background: rgba(222, 184, 135, 0.5);">
    <p>Wafer biscuit chupa chups donut. Cheesecake dragée macaroon. Bear claw candy
    canes jelly cake tootsie roll chocolate caramels candy. Chocolate bar toffee
    candy canes caramels cookie soufflé. Danish powder pie bonbon pastry carrot
    cake candy. Candy fruitcake jelly-o sweet roll gingerbread toffee chupa
    <article class="align-right media_image_half_width">
        <div class="imagefiller group">
            <div class="filler-content">
                Image — Half-Width Right Align
    <p>Liquorice fruitcake lollipop. Sesame snaps muffin gummies cake. Apple pie
    dessert sugar plum toffee marzipan bonbon sesame snaps halvah. Macaroon
    croissant sweet cheesecake. Croissant icing muffin. Gingerbread pudding
    halvah bonbon chupa chups bonbon sugar plum fruitcake ice cream. Bear claw tootsie
    roll jujubes.</p>
    <p>Jelly donut dragée sweet roll sesame snaps tootsie roll. Halvah powder
    chocolate cake pudding. Cotton candy fruitcake jelly beans cake. Marshmallow
    jelly apple pie cookie. Wafer chupa chups powder wafer. Danish cake candy
    ice cream cake gummi bears lollipop powder brownie. Jelly gingerbread danish
    tiramisu carrot cake sweet danish caramels cookie. Sesame snaps cake pudding
    sugar plum tootsie roll pie liquorice. Gummies powder lemon drops candy
    canes brownie powder oat cake. Chocolate cake bonbon cookie cotton candy
    <p>Cookie chocolate croissant cake bear claw chocolate bar gingerbread
    marshmallow apple pie. Muffin candy sweet dessert cotton candy pudding


<!-- CSS Grid Column Demos -->
<div class="body-sidebars-none grid-container columndemocontainer">
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd01"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd02"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd03"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd04"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd05"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd06"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd07"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd08"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd09"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd10"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd11"></div>
    <div class="columndemo" id="cd12"></div>
<!-- End CSS Grid Column Demos -->
Source: sass/layout/_sidebars.scss, line 63